
But God, who is rich in mercy (Eleos), because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ. By grace you have been saved…” (Ephesians 2:4-5)

The gospel of Jesus Christ is this broken world’s sole hope. God created a perfect universe and designed people to glorify Him, but we rebelled against our holy Creator and now our present world is nothing like what He intended for us.

But God, rich in mercy, sent His son Jesus Christ to this earth to live a perfect life and die a gruesome death on the cross, to be our substitute and take on the punishment for sin. He was our propitiation; a sacrifice that satisfied God’s holy wrath against sin. But Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb-God raised Him from the dead on the third day and He is alive now!

This is the good news, that God saves sinners through Jesus Christ. All those who turn to Jesus, trusting Him for their salvation, are a new creation and are promised an eternity with Him in paradise. 

The world must hear these truths; We Christians must know how to defend the gospel and all of Scripture, and to effectively communicate it to unbelievers. We, God’s people, have a priceless hope within us to share!

Eleos Ministries aims to do just that, made up of teaching about the Bible, apologetics, theology, cultural issues, book and music recommendations, and more. Please follow to support this brand new blog!


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