Statement of Faith


There is one God, Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of all, who exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


God created the universe and all living things from nothing, by His own power for His own glory, approximately 6,000 years ago, in the space of 6 literal, 24-hour days, as implied in the book of Genesis, and it was very good.


Mankind was created by God and made in His image to know, love and serve God. Mankind is created in community to know, love and serve each other.


Mankind sinned and continues to sin by disobeying God’s will, beginning with Adam and Eve rebelling against God’s statutes in the Garden of Eden. Sin separates us from God, brings spiritual and physical death, and makes it impossible for us to have fellowship with God except by the atoning blood of His son Jesus. Sin corrupted God’s perfect creation and continues to produce death, suffering, and disease today. 


Salvation is received by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior. It is not of ourselves or by works, it is a gift of God. To be truly saved, you must “declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead”. It is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved (Romans 10:9-10).

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and made man. He is truly, fully God, and truly, fully man. He was tempted and suffered, yet without sin. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, buried, and on the third day God raised Him from the dead. He ascended and is alive now, and will come again to judge the living and the dead. 

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and the Son. By the Spirit God is always present with us; by the Spirit He convicts, renews, empowers, teaches, guides, comforts and encourages His people. 


The Bible is the inspired Word of God; the 66 books of Scripture are the completely infallible, inerrant, sufficient, trustworthy words of the Lord. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we seek the application of God’s Word to our lives and use it as the standard of Christian faith and practice. 

The Church

The Church is not merely a building, but the body of Christ. The Church is a united community, loved by one Father, anointed by one Spirit, ruled by one Head, Jesus Christ. The Church is a holy community, united to a holy Lord and called to godliness. The church is a universal community, enjoyed by all those who trust Jesus. The Church is an apostolic community, founded on Christ, the apostles and prophets, and entrusted with their teachings. We believe God’s people are called both to worship and serve Him in the church, as well as gain instruction and wisdom through the preaching. Baptism is the personal and public identification with Jesus, his death, burial, and resurrection, and is for those who have placed their faith in the Lord Jesus for their salvation. Communion is taking the Lord’s Supper as He instituted, in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. 

Christ’s Return

The Lord Jesus Christ will bodily return in glory, and judge the living and the dead. All will be raised from the dead; Living believers as well as believers who have died will have eternal life in Heaven, but those who have rejected Him will receive everlasting punishment in hell. Satan, the spiritual adversary of God and man, will likewise be judged and cast into hell. 


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